Tag Archives: facebook

Twitter: The Growing Giant

24 Mar

Twitter is already huge. Biggger than most would have thought even 6 months ago and it’s still growing. Being the geek-type myself I listen to quite a few podcasts and hear many of my fellow four eyed friends talking about how much they want something new. They want the next big thing. The reason? Too many “average” people are uisng Twitter. I understand the feeling since I have been using Twitter long before any of my friends or family, or strangers that constantly talk about it everyday on the television, radio or while walking their dogs. What was once the playground for the tech elite is now just another website full of average people.

In this case though, unlike YouTube, MySpace, and yes even the golden one Facebook, Twitter doesn’t seem to be full of morons. Sure you have the people who tweet every night at 6pm alerting their followers to what they ate but the majority of Twitter users seem to be more mature. Adults are actually using a social networking site. The only reason I can think of is that teens don’t want to sit at a computer screen and tweet. If their cell phones had a Twitter client I think things would change but not many teenagers use an iPhone. They don’t text tweets because that uses minutes. This means that you can find some really fascinating real people on the site. Celebrities and tech God’s are the prominent ones who are followed but I urge users to take a look at some of the real people too. I’m not saying reading a tweet from Christopher Walken isn’t a great read but just take a minute to check out the average Joe’s too.

Twitter will keep on growing, even with no business model in sight. How do you make money on this thing? Ads are the only way and as soon as they insert ads in between tweets users will start dropping like fly’s. They still have their issues too to deal with, most importantly the amount of new users. I’m getting the “fail whale” more often now.

Oh, and if anyone at Twitter Inc. reads this post please help me fix that damn pop up box that asks me for my login info.
